00001 <?php 00002 define('_PING_DESC', 'This plugin can be used to ping many blog tracking services. - Don\'t forget to enable the option \'Ping weblog listing service on update\' in your blog settings!'); 00003 define('_PING_PINGOM', 'Ping-o-matic'); 00004 define('_PING_WEBLOGS', 'weblogs.com'); 00005 define('_PING_TECHNOR', 'Technorati'); 00006 define('_PING_BLOGR', 'Blogrolling'); 00007 define('_PING_BLOGS', 'Blo.gs (no longer works?)'); 00008 define('_PING_WEBLOGUES', 'Weblogues (no longer works?)'); 00009 define('_PING_BLOGGDE', 'Blogg.de (not working??)'); 00010 define('_PING_BG', 'Ping from background when a future post first appears'); 00011 define('_PINGING', 'Pinging '); 00012 define('_PING_ERROR', 'Error'); 00013 define('_PING_PHP_ERROR', 'PHP Error: '); 00014 define('_PING_PHP_PING_ERROR', 'Error while trying to send ping. Sorry about that.'); 00015 define('_PING_SUCCESS', 'Success'); 00016 ?>