
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 <?php
00002 /* mbstring emulator for Japanese by Andy
00003  * email : webmaster@matsubarafamily.com
00004  *
00005  * license based on GPL(GNU General Public License)
00006  *
00007  * Ver.0.84 (2006/1/20)
00008  */
00011 define('MB_CASE_UPPER', 0);
00012 define('MB_CASE_LOWER', 1);
00013 define('MB_CASE_TITLE', 2);
00015 include dirname(__FILE__).'/convert.table';
00016 // include dirname(__FILE__).'/sjistouni.table';
00017 // include dirname(__FILE__).'/unitosjis.table';
00020 $mbemu_internals['ini_file'] = parse_ini_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/mb-emulator.ini');
00022 $mbemu_internals['language'] = $mbemu_internals['ini_file']['language'];
00023 $mbemu_internals['internal_encoding'] = $mbemu_internals['ini_file']['internal_encoding'];
00024 $mbemu_internals['lang_array'] = array (
00025         'Japanese', 'ja','jp', 'English', 'en', 'uni'
00026         );
00028 $mbemu_internals['encoding'] = array (
00029         'AUTO' => 0xFF,
00030         'ASCII' => 0,
00031         'EUC-JP' => 1,
00032         'EUC' => 1,
00033         'SJIS' => 2,
00034         'SHIFT-JIS' => 2,
00035         'SHIFT_JIS' => 2,
00036         'SJIS-WIN' => 2,
00037         'JIS' => 3,
00038         'ISO-2022-JP' => 3,
00039         'UTF-8' => 4,
00040         'UTF8' => 4,
00041         'UTF-16'=>5,
00042         'ISO-8859-1' => 6
00043         );
00046 function mb_detect_order($encoding_list = '')
00047 {
00048         global $mbemu_internals;
00050         if ($encoding_list) {
00051                 if (is_string($encoding_list)) {
00052                         $encoding_list = strtoupper($encoding_list);
00053                         $encoding_list = split(', *', $encoding_list);
00054                 }
00055                 foreach($encoding_list as $encode)
00056                         if (!array_key_exists($encode, $mbemu_internals['encoding'])) return FALSE;
00057                 $mbemu_internals['detect_order'] = $encoding_list;
00058                 return TRUE;
00059         }
00060         return $mbemu_internals['detect_order'];
00061 }
00063 if (!(mb_detect_order($mbemu_internals['ini_file']['detect_order'])))
00064         $mbemu_internals['detect_order'] = array ("ASCII", "JIS", "UTF-8", "EUC-JP", "SJIS");
00066 $mbemu_internals['substitute_character'] = $mbemu_internals['ini_file']['substitute_character'];
00068 $mbemu_internals['regex'] = array(
00069         0 => "[\x01-\x7F]", // for ASCII
00070         1 => "[\xA1-\xFE]([\xA1-\xFE])|[\x01-\x7F]|\x8E([\xA0-\xDF])", // for EUC-JP
00071         2 => "[\x81-\x9F\xE0-\xFC]([\x40-\xFC])|[\x01-\x7F]|[\xA0-\xDF]", // for Shift_JIS
00072         3 => "(?:^|\x1B\(\x42)([\x01-\x1A,\x1C-\x7F]*)|(?:\x1B\\$\x42([\x01-\x1A,\x1C-\x7F]*))|(?:\x1B\(I([\x01-\x1A,\x1C-\x7F]*))", // for JIS
00073         4 => "[\x01-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]|[\xE0-\xEF][\x80-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]", // for UTF-8
00074         5 => "..", // for UTF-16
00075         6 => "." // for ISO-8859-1
00076         );
00080 function mb_language($language='')
00081 {
00082   global $mbemu_internals;
00084   if ($language =='') {
00085     if ($mbemu_internals['language'] == '') return FALSE;
00086     else return $mbemu_internals['language'];
00087   } else {
00088         foreach ($mbemu_internals['lang_array'] as $element) {
00089                 if ($element == $language) {
00090                         $mbemu_internals['language'] = $language;
00091                         return TRUE;
00092                 }
00093         }
00094         return FALSE;
00095   }
00096 }
00099 function mb_internal_encoding($encoding = '')
00100 {
00101         global $mbemu_internals;
00103   if ($encoding =='') {
00104     if ($mbemu_internals['internal_encoding'] == '') return FALSE;
00105     else return $mbemu_internals['internal_encoding'];
00106   } else {
00107                 $mbemu_internals['internal_encoding'] = $encoding;
00108                 return TRUE;
00109   }
00110 }
00112 function mb_get_info($type = 'all')
00113 {
00114         switch(strtolower($type)) {
00115                 case 'all' :
00116                         $a['internal_encoding'] = mb_internal_encoding();
00117                         $a['http_output'] = mb_http_output();
00118                         $a['http_input'] = 'pass';
00119                         $a['func_overload'] = 'pass';
00120                         return $a;
00121                 case 'internal_encoding' :
00122                         return mb_internal_encoding();
00123                 case 'http_output' :
00124                         return mb_http_output();
00125                 case 'http_input' :
00126                         return 'pass';
00127                 case 'func_overloard' :
00128                         return 'pass';
00129         }
00130 }
00132 function mb_substitute_character($subchar='')
00133 {
00134         global $mbemu_internals;
00136         if (!$subchar) return $mbemu_internals['substitute_character'];
00137         if (is_int($subchar)) {
00138                 $mbemu_internals['substitute_character'] = $subchar;
00139         } else {
00140                 $subchar = strtolower($subchar);
00141                 switch ($subchar) {
00142                         case 'none' :
00143                         case 'long' :
00144                                 $mbemu_internals['substitute_character'] = $subchar;
00145                 }
00146         }
00147 }
00150 function mb_convert_encoding( $str, $to_encoding, $from_encoding = '')
00151 {
00152         global $mbemu_internals;
00154         $to_encoding = strtoupper($to_encoding);
00155         $from_encoding = mb_detect_encoding($str, $from_encoding);
00157         switch ($mbemu_internals['encoding'][$from_encoding]) {
00158                 case 1: //euc-jp
00159                         switch($mbemu_internals['encoding'][$to_encoding]) {
00160                                 case 2: //sjis
00161                                         return _euctosjis($str);
00162                                 case 3: //jis
00163                                         $str = _euctosjis($str);
00164                                         return _sjistojis($str);
00165                                 case 4: //utf8
00166                                         return _euctoutf8($str);
00167                                 case 5: //utf16
00168                                         $str = _euctoutf8($str);
00169                                         return _utf8toutf16($str);
00170                                 default:
00171                                         return $str;
00172                         }
00173                 case 2: //sjis
00174                         switch($mbemu_internals['encoding'][$to_encoding]) {
00175                                 case 1: //euc-jp
00176                                         return _sjistoeuc($str);
00177                                 case 3: //jis
00178                                         return _sjistojis($str);
00179                                 case 4: //utf8
00180                                         return _sjistoutf8($str);
00181                                 case 5: //utf16
00182                                         $str = _sjistoutf8($str);
00183                                         return _utf8toutf16($str);
00184                                 default:
00185                                         return $str;
00186                         }
00187                 case 3: //jis
00188                         switch($mbemu_internals['encoding'][$to_encoding]) {
00189                                 case 1: //euc-jp
00190                                         $str = _jistosjis($str);
00191                                         return _sjistoeuc($str);
00192                                 case 2: //sjis
00193                                         return _jistosjis($str);
00194                                 case 4: //utf8
00195                                         $str = _jistosjis($str);
00196                                         return _sjistoutf8($str);
00197                                 case 5: //utf16
00198                                         $str = _jistosjis($str);
00199                                         $str = _sjistoutf8($str);
00200                                         return _utf8toutf16($str);
00201                                 default:
00202                                         return $str;
00203                         }
00204                 case 4: //utf8
00205                         switch($mbemu_internals['encoding'][$to_encoding]) {
00206                                 case 1: //euc-jp
00207                                         return _utf8toeuc($str);
00208                                 case 2: //sjis
00209                                         return _utf8tosjis($str);
00210                                 case 3: //jis
00211                                         $str = _utf8tosjis($str);
00212                                         return _sjistojis($str);
00213                                 case 5: //utf16
00214                                         return _utf8toutf16($str);
00215                                 default:
00216                                         return $str;
00217                         }
00218                 case 5: //utf16
00219                         $str = _utf16toutf8($str);
00220                         switch($mbemu_internals['encoding'][$to_encoding]) {
00221                                 case 1: //euc-jp
00222                                         return _utf8toeuc($str);
00223                                 case 2: //sjis
00224                                         return _utf8tosjis($str);
00225                                 case 3: //jis
00226                                         $str = _utf8tosjis($str);
00227                                         return _sjistojis($str);
00228                                 case 4: //utf8
00229                                         return $str;
00230                                 default:
00231                                         return _utf8toutf16($str);
00232                         }
00233                 default:
00234                         return $str;
00235         }
00236 }
00240 function _sjistoeuc(&$str)
00241 {
00242         global $mbemu_internals;
00244         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $str, $allchars);  // 文字の配列に分解
00245         $str_EUC = '';
00246         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00247                 $num = ord($allchars[0][$i]);  // 各文字の1バイト目を数値として取り出す
00248                 if ($num2 = ord($allchars[1][$i])) { // 2バイト目がある場合
00249                         $shift = $mbemu_internals['sjistoeuc_byte1_shift'][$num2];
00250                         $str_EUC .= chr($mbemu_internals['sjistoeuc_byte1'][$num] + $shift)
00251                                            .chr($mbemu_internals['sjistoeuc_byte2'][$shift][$num2]);
00252                 } elseif ($num <= 0x7F) {//英数字
00253                         $str_EUC .= chr($num);
00254                 } else { //半角カナ
00255                         $str_EUC .= chr(0x8E).chr($num);
00256                 }
00257         }
00258         return $str_EUC;
00259 }
00262 function _euctosjis(&$str)
00263 {
00264         global $mbemu_internals;
00265         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][1].'/', $str, $allchars);  // 文字の配列に分解
00266         $str_SJIS = '';
00267         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00268                 $num = ord($allchars[0][$i]);  // 各文字の1バイト目を数値として取り出す
00269                 if ($num2 = ord($allchars[1][$i])) { // 漢字の場合
00270                         $str_SJIS .= chr($mbemu_internals['euctosjis_byte1'][$num]);
00271                         if ($num & 1)
00272                                 $str_SJIS .= chr($mbemu_internals['euctosjis_byte2'][0][$num2]);
00273                         else
00274                                 $str_SJIS .= chr($mbemu_internals['euctosjis_byte2'][1][$num2]);
00275                 } elseif ($num3 = ord($allchars[2][$i])) {//半角カナ
00276                         $str_SJIS .= chr($num3);
00277                 } else { //英数字
00278                         $str_SJIS .= chr($num);
00279                 }
00280         }
00281         return $str_SJIS;
00282 }
00284 function _sjistojis(&$str)
00285 {
00286         global $mbemu_internals;
00288         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $str, $allchars);  // 文字の配列に分解
00289         $str_JIS = '';
00290         $mode = 0; // 英数
00291         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00292                 $num = ord($allchars[0][$i]);  // 各文字の1バイト目を数値として取り出す
00293                 if ($num2 = ord($allchars[1][$i])) { // 2バイト目がある場合
00294                         if ($mode != 1) {
00295                                 $mode = 1;
00296                                 $str_JIS .= chr(0x1b).'$B';
00297                         }
00298                         $shift = $mbemu_internals['sjistoeuc_byte1_shift'][$num2];
00299                         $str_JIS .= chr(($mbemu_internals['sjistoeuc_byte1'][$num] + $shift) & 0x7F)
00300                                            .chr($mbemu_internals['sjistoeuc_byte2'][$shift][$num2] & 0x7F);
00301                 } elseif ($num > 0x80) {//半角カナ
00302                         if ($mode != 2) {
00303                                 $mode = 2;
00304                                 $str_JIS .= chr(0x1B).'(I';
00305                         }
00306                         $str_JIS .= chr($num & 0x7F);
00307                 } else {//半角英数
00308                         if ($mode != 0) {
00309                                 $mode = 0;
00310                                 $str_JIS .= chr(0x1B).'(B';
00311                         }
00312                         $str_JIS .= chr($num);
00313                 }
00314         }
00315         if ($mode != 0) {
00316                 $str_JIS .= chr(0x1B).'(B';
00317         }
00318         return $str_JIS;
00319 }
00321 function _sub_jtosj($match)
00322 {
00323         global $mbemu_internals;
00324         $num = ord($match[0]);
00325         $num2 = ord($match[1]);
00326         $s = chr($mbemu_internals['euctosjis_byte1'][$num | 0x80]);
00327         if ($num & 1) {
00328                 $s .= chr($mbemu_internals['euctosjis_byte2'][0][$num2 | 0x80]);
00329         } else {
00330                 $s .= chr($mbemu_internals['euctosjis_byte2'][1][$num2 | 0x80]);
00331         }
00332         return $s;
00333 }
00335 function _jistosjis(&$str)
00336 {
00337         global $mbemu_internals;
00339         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][3].'/', $str, $allchunks, PREG_SET_ORDER);  // 文字種ごとの配列に分解
00340         $st = '';
00341         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00342                 if (ord($allchunks[$i][1])) { //英数にマッチ
00343                         $st .= $allchunks[$i][1];
00344                 } elseif (ord($allchunks[$i][2])) { //漢字にマッチ
00345                         $tmp = substr($allchunks[$i][0], 3, strlen($allchunks[$i][0]));
00346                         $st .= preg_replace_callback("/.(.)/","_sub_jtosj", $tmp);
00347                 } elseif (ord($allchunks[$i][3])) { //半角カナにマッチ
00348                         $st .= preg_replace("/./e","chr(ord['$1'] | 0x80);",$allchunks[$i][3]);
00349                 }
00350         }
00351         return $st;
00352 }
00355 function _ucs2utf8($uni)
00356 {
00357         if ($uni <= 0x7f)
00358                 return chr($uni);
00359         elseif ($uni <= 0x7ff) {
00360                 $y = ($uni >> 6) & 0x1f;
00361                 $x = $uni & 0x3f;
00362                 return chr(0xc0 | $y).chr(0x80 | $x);
00363         } else {
00364                 $z = ($uni >> 12) & 0x0f;
00365                 $y = ($uni >> 6) & 0x3f;
00366                 $x = $uni & 0x3f;
00367                 return chr(0xe0 | $z).chr(0x80 | $y).chr(0x80 | $x);
00368         }
00369 }
00371 function _sjistoutf8(&$str)
00372 {
00373         global $mbemu_internals;
00374         include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/sjistouni.table');
00375         $st = '';
00376         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $str, $allchars);  // 文字の配列に分解
00377         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00378                 $num = ord($allchars[0][$i]);  // 各文字の1バイト目を数値として取り出す
00379                 if ($num2 = ord($allchars[1][$i])) { // 2バイト目がある場合
00380                         $ucs2 = $mbemu_internals['sjistoucs2'][($num << 8) | $num2];
00381                         $st .= _ucs2utf8($ucs2);
00382                 } elseif ($num > 0x80) {//半角カナ
00383                         $st .= _ucs2utf8(0xfec0 + $num);
00384                 } else {//半角英数
00385                         $st .= chr($num);
00386                 }
00387         }
00388         return $st;
00389 }
00391 function _utf8ucs2($st)
00392 {
00393         $num = ord($st);
00394         if (!($num & 0x80)) //1byte
00395                 return $num;
00396         elseif (($num & 0xe0) == 0xc0) {//2bytes
00397                 $num2 = ord(substr($st, 1,1));
00398                 return (($num & 0x1f) << 6) | ($num2 & 0x3f);
00399         } else  { //3bytes
00400                 $num2 = ord(substr($st, 1,1));
00401                 $num3 = ord(substr($st, 2,1));
00402                 return (($num & 0x0f) << 12) | (($num2 & 0x3f) << 6) | ($num3 & 0x3f);
00403         }
00404 }
00406 function _utf8tosjis(&$str)
00407 {
00408         global $mbemu_internals;
00409         include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/unitosjis.table');
00410         $st = '';
00411         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][4].'/', $str, $allchars);  // 文字の配列に分解
00412         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00413                 $num = _utf8ucs2($allchars[0][$i]); //ucs2の値を取り出す
00414                 if ($num < 0x80)
00415                         $st .= chr($num);
00416                 elseif ((0xff61 <= $num) && ($num <= 0xff9f))
00417                         $st .= chr($num - 0xfec0);
00418                 else {
00419                         $sjis = $mbemu_internals['ucs2tosjis'][$num];
00420                         $st .= chr($sjis >> 8) . chr($sjis & 0xff);
00421                 }
00422         }
00423         return $st;
00424 }
00426 function _euctoutf8(&$str)
00427 {
00428         global $mbemu_internals;
00429         include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/sjistouni.table');
00430         $st = '';
00431         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][1].'/', $str, $allchars);  // 文字の配列に分解
00432         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00433                 $num = ord($allchars[0][$i]);  // 各文字の1バイト目を数値として取り出す
00434                 if ($num2 = ord($allchars[1][$i])) { // 2バイト目がある場合
00435                         if ($num & 1)
00436                                 $sjis = ($mbemu_internals['euctosjis_byte1'][$num] << 8) | $mbemu_internals['euctosjis_byte2'][0][$num2];
00437                         else
00438                                 $sjis = ($mbemu_internals['euctosjis_byte1'][$num] << 8) | $mbemu_internals['euctosjis_byte2'][1][$num2];
00439                         $st .= _ucs2utf8($mbemu_internals['sjistoucs2'][$sjis]);
00440                 } elseif ($num3 = ord($allchars[2][$i])) {
00441                         $st .= _ucs2utf8(0xfec0 + $num3);
00442                 } else {//半角英数
00443                         $st .= chr($num);
00444                 }
00445         }
00446         return $st;
00447 }
00449 function _utf8toeuc(&$str)
00450 {
00451         global $mbemu_internals;
00452         include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/unitosjis.table');
00453         $st = '';
00454         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][4].'/', $str, $allchars);  // 文字の配列に分解
00455         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00456                 $num = _utf8ucs2($allchars[0][$i]); //ucs2の値を取り出す
00457                 if ($num < 0x80)
00458                         $st .= chr($num);
00459                 elseif ((0xff61 <= $num) && ($num <= 0xff9f)) //半角カナ
00460                         $st .= chr(0x8e) . chr($num - 0xfec0);
00461                 else {
00462                         $sjis = $mbemu_internals['ucs2tosjis'][$num];
00463                         $upper = $sjis >> 8;
00464                         $lower = $sjis & 0xff;
00465                         $shift = $mbemu_internals['sjistoeuc_byte1_shift'][$lower];
00466                         $st .= chr($mbemu_internals['sjistoeuc_byte1'][$upper] + $shift)
00467                                    .chr($mbemu_internals['sjistoeuc_byte2'][$shift][$lower]);
00468                 }
00469         }
00470         return $st;
00471 }
00473 function _utf8toutf16(&$str)
00474 {
00475         global $mbemu_internals;
00476         $st = '';
00477         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][4].'/', $str, $allchars);  // 文字の配列に分解
00478         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00479                 $num = _utf8ucs2($allchars[0][$i]); //ucs2の値を取り出す
00480                 $st .= chr(($num >> 8) & 0xff).chr($num & 0xff);
00481         }
00482         return $st;
00483 }
00485 function _utf16toutf8(&$str)
00486 {
00487         global $mbemu_internals;
00488         $st = '';
00489         $ar = unpack("n*", $str);
00490         foreach($ar as $char) {
00491                 $st .= _ucs2utf8($char);
00492         }
00493         return $st;
00494 }
00497 function sub_zenhan_EUC(&$str, $match) {
00498         global $mbemu_internals;
00500         $match = $match . "|[\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe]|[\x01-\x7f]|\x8e[\xa0-\xdf]";
00501         $max = preg_match_all("/$match/", $str, $chars);
00502         $str = '';
00503         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00504                 if ($num = ord($chars[1][$i])) //全角にマッチングした場合
00505                         $str .= chr(array_search($chars[1][$i], $mbemu_internals['alphanumeric_convert']));
00506                 //      $str .= chr($num & 0x7F);
00507                 else
00508                         $str .= $chars[0][$i];
00509         }
00510 }
00512 function sub_hanzen_EUC(&$str, $match) {
00513         global $mbemu_internals;
00515         $match = $match . "|[\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe]|[\x01-\x7f]|\x8e[\xa0-\xdf]";
00516         $max = preg_match_all("/$match/", $str, $chars);
00517         $str = '';
00518         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00519                 if ($num = ord($chars[1][$i])) //半角にマッチングした場合
00520                         $str .= $mbemu_internals['alphanumeric_convert'][$num];
00521                 else
00522                         $str .= $chars[0][$i];
00523         }
00524 }
00526 function alpha_zenhan_EUC(&$str) {
00527         sub_zenhan_EUC($str, "(\xA3[\xC1-\xFA])");
00528 }
00530 function alpha_hanzen_EUC(&$str) {
00531         sub_hanzen_EUC($str, "([\x41-\x5A,\x61-\x7A])");
00532 }
00535 function num_zenhan_EUC(&$str) {
00536         sub_zenhan_EUC($str, "(\xA3[\xB0-\xB9])");
00537 }
00539 function num_hanzen_EUC(&$str) {
00540         sub_hanzen_EUC($str, "([\x30-\x39])");
00541 }
00543 function alphanum_zenhan_EUC(&$str) {
00544         sub_zenhan_EUC($str, "(\xa1[\xa4,\xa5,\xa7-\xaa,\xb0,\xb2,\xbf,\xc3,\xca,\xcb,\xce-\xd1,\xdc,\xdd,\xe1,\xe3,\xe4,\xf0,\xf3-\xf7]|\xA3[\xC1-\xFA]|\xA3[\xB0-\xB9])");
00545 }
00547 function alphanum_hanzen_EUC(&$str) {
00548         sub_hanzen_EUC($str, "([\\\x21,\\\x23-\\\x26,\\\x28-\\\x5B,\\\x5D-\\\x7D])");
00549 }
00552 function space_zenhan_EUC(&$str) {
00553         sub_zenhan_EUC($str, "(\xA1\xA1)");
00554 }
00556 function space_hanzen_EUC(&$str) {
00557         sub_hanzen_EUC($str, "(\x20)");
00558 }
00560 function katakana_zenhan_EUC(&$str) {
00561         global $mbemu_internals;
00563         $match = "\xa5([\xa1-\xf4])|\xa1([\xa2,\xa3,\xa6,\xab,\xac,\xbc,\xd6,\xd7])|[\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe]|[\x01-\x7f]|\x8e[\xa0-\xdf]";
00564         $max = preg_match_all("/$match/", $str, $chars);
00565         $str = '';
00566         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00567                 if ($num = ord($chars[1][$i])) //カナにマッチングした場合
00568                         $str .= chr(0x8e) . $mbemu_internals['kana_zenhan_convert'][$num];
00569                 elseif ($num = ord($chars[2][$i])) //半角変換可能な特殊文字にマッチした場合
00570                         $str .= chr(0x8e) . $mbemu_internals['special_zenhan_convert'][$num];
00571                 else
00572                         $str .= $chars[0][$i];
00573         }
00574 }
00576 function hiragana_zenhan_EUC(&$str) {
00577         global $mbemu_internals;
00579         $match = "\xa4([\xa1-\xf4])|\xa1([\xa2,\xa3,\xa6,\xab,\xac,\xbc,\xd6,\xd7])|[\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe]|[\x01-\x7f]|\x8e[\xa0-\xdf]";
00580         $max = preg_match_all("/$match/", $str, $chars);
00581         $str = '';
00582         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00583                 if ($num = ord($chars[1][$i])) //かなにマッチングした場合
00584                         $str .= chr(0x8e) . $mbemu_internals['kana_zenhan_convert'][$num];
00585                 elseif ($num = ord($chars[2][$i])) //半角変換可能な特殊文字にマッチした場合
00586                         $str .= chr(0x8e) . $mbemu_internals['special_zenhan_convert'][$num];
00587                 else
00588                         $str .= $chars[0][$i];
00589         }
00590 }
00592 function katakana_hanzen1_EUC(&$str) {  //濁点の統合をする方
00593         global $mbemu_internals;
00595         $match = "\x8e((?:[\xb3,\xb6-\xc4,\xca-\xce]\x8e\xde)|(?:[\xca-\xce]\x8e\xdf))|[\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe]|[\x01-\x7f]|\x8e([\xa1-\xdf])";
00596                 //濁点や半濁点は一緒にマッチング
00597         $max = preg_match_all("/$match/", $str, $chars);
00598         $str = '';
00599         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00600                 if ($chars[1][$i]) //濁音,半濁音にマッチングした場合
00601                         $str .= chr(0xa5).chr(array_search($chars[1][$i], $mbemu_internals['kana_zenhan_convert']));
00602                 elseif ($chars[2][$i]) //その他の半角カナにマッチ
00603                         if ($num = array_search($chars[2][$i], $mbemu_internals['kana_zenhan_convert']))
00604                                 $str .= chr(0xa5).chr($num);
00605                         else
00606                                 $str .= chr(0xa1).chr(array_search($chars[2][$i], $mbemu_internals['special_zenhan_convert']));
00607                 else
00608                         $str .= $chars[0][$i];
00609         }
00610 }
00612 function hiragana_hanzen1_EUC(&$str) {  //濁点の統合をする方
00613         global $mbemu_internals;
00615         $match = "\x8e((?:[\xb6-\xc4,\xca-\xce]\x8e\xde)|(?:[\xca-\xce]\x8e\xdf))|[\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe]|[\x01-\x7f]|\x8e([\xa1-\xdf])";
00616                 //濁点や半濁点は一緒にマッチング
00617         $max = preg_match_all("/$match/", $str, $chars);
00618         $str = '';
00619         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00620                 if ($chars[1][$i]) //濁音,半濁音にマッチングした場合
00621                         $str .= chr(0xa4).chr(array_search($chars[1][$i], $mbemu_internals['kana_zenhan_convert']));
00622                 elseif ($chars[2][$i]) //その他の半角カナにマッチ
00623                         if ($num = array_search($chars[2][$i], $mbemu_internals['kana_zenhan_convert']))
00624                                 $str .= chr(0xa4).chr($num);
00625                         else
00626                                 $str .= chr(0xa1).chr(array_search($chars[2][$i], $mbemu_internals['special_zenhan_convert']));
00627                 else
00628                         $str .= $chars[0][$i];
00629         }
00630 }
00632 function katakana_hanzen2_EUC(&$str) {  //濁点の統合をしない方
00633         global $mbemu_internals;
00635         $match = "[\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe]|[\x01-\x7f]|\x8e([\xa1-\xdf])";
00636         $max = preg_match_all("/$match/", $str, $chars);
00637         $str = '';
00638         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00639                 if ($chars[1][$i]) //半角カナにマッチ
00640                         if ($num = array_search($chars[1][$i], $mbemu_internals['kana_zenhan_convert']))
00641                                 $str .= chr(0xa5).chr($num);
00642                         else
00643                                 $str .= chr(0xa1).chr(array_search($chars[1][$i], $mbemu_internals['special_zenhan_convert']));
00644                 else
00645                         $str .= $chars[0][$i];
00646         }
00647 }
00649 function hiragana_hanzen2_EUC(&$str) {  //濁点の統合をしない方
00650         global $mbemu_internals;
00652         $match = "[\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe]|[\x01-\x7f]|\x8e([\xa1-\xdf])";
00653         $max = preg_match_all("/$match/", $str, $chars);
00654         $str = '';
00655         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00656                 if ($chars[1][$i]) //半角カナにマッチ
00657                         if ($num = array_search($chars[1][$i], $mbemu_internals['kana_zenhan_convert']))
00658                                 $str .= chr(0xa4).chr($num);
00659                         else
00660                                 $str .= chr(0xa1).chr(array_search($chars[1][$i], $mbemu_internals['special_zenhan_convert']));
00661                 else
00662                         $str .= $chars[0][$i];
00663         }
00664 }
00666 function katakana_hiragana_EUC(&$str) {
00668         $match = "\xa5([\xa1-\xf3])|[\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe]|[\x01-\x7f]|\x8e[\xa0-\xdf]";
00669         $max = preg_match_all("/$match/", $str, $chars);
00670         $str = '';
00671         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00672                 if ($num = ord($chars[1][$i])) //カナにマッチングした場合
00673                         $str .= chr(0xa4) . chr($num);
00674                 else
00675                         $str .= $chars[0][$i];
00676         }
00677 }
00679 function hiragana_katakana_EUC(&$str) {
00681         $match = "\xa4([\xa1-\xf4])|[\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe]|[\x01-\x7f]|\x8e[\xa0-\xdf]";
00682         $max = preg_match_all("/$match/", $str, $chars);
00683         $str = '';
00684         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00685                 if ($num = ord($chars[1][$i])) //カナにマッチングした場合
00686                         $str .= chr(0xa5) . chr($num);
00687                 else
00688                         $str .= $chars[0][$i];
00689         }
00690 }
00692 function mb_convert_kana( $str, $option='KV', $encoding = '')
00693 {
00694         if (!$encoding) $encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
00695         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'EUC-JP', $encoding);
00697         if (strstr($option, "r")) alpha_zenhan_EUC($str);
00698         if (strstr($option, "R")) alpha_hanzen_EUC($str);
00699         if (strstr($option, "n")) num_zenhan_EUC($str);
00700         if (strstr($option, "N")) num_hanzen_EUC($str);
00701         if (strstr($option, "a")) alphanum_zenhan_EUC($str);
00702         if (strstr($option, "A")) alphanum_hanzen_EUC($str);
00703         if (strstr($option, "s")) space_zenhan_EUC($str);
00704         if (strstr($option, "S")) space_hanzen_EUC($str);
00705         if (strstr($option, "k")) katakana_zenhan_EUC($str);
00706         if (strstr($option, "K")) {
00707                 if (strstr($option, "V"))
00708                         katakana_hanzen1_EUC($str);
00709                 else
00710                         katakana_hanzen2_EUC($str);
00711         }
00712         if (strstr($option, "H")) {
00713                 if (strstr($option, "V"))
00714                         hiragana_hanzen1_EUC($str);
00715                 else
00716                         hiragana_hanzen2_EUC($str);
00717         }
00718         if (strstr($option, "h")) hiragana_zenhan_EUC($str);
00719         if (strstr($option, "c")) katakana_hiragana_EUC($str);
00720         if (strstr($option, "C")) hiragana_katakana_EUC($str);
00722         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, $encoding, 'EUC-JP');
00723         return $str;
00724 }
00726 // if mb_language is uni this function send mail using UTF-8/Base64
00727 // if English or en this function send mail using ISO-8859-1/quoted printable
00728 // if Japanese this function send mail using ISO-2022-JP
00729 function mb_send_mail($to, $subject, $message , $additional_headers='', $additional_parameter='')
00730 {
00731         switch (mb_language()) {
00732                 case 'jp' :
00733                 case 'ja' :
00734                 case 'Japanese' :
00735                         if (!_check_encoding($subject, 3)) //if not JIS encoded
00736                                 $subject =mb_encode_mimeheader($subject);
00737                         else {
00738                                 $tmp = mb_internal_encoding();
00739                                 mb_internal_encoding('iso-2022-jp');
00740                                 $subject =mb_encode_mimeheader($subject);
00741                                 mb_internal_encoding($tmp);
00742                         }
00743                         if (!_check_encoding($message, 3))
00744                                 $message = mb_convert_encoding($message, "iso-2022-jp", mb_internal_encoding());
00745                         $additional_headers .= 
00746                         "\r\nMime-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-2022-JP\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit";
00747                         mail($to, $subject, $message, $additional_headers, $additional_parameter);
00748                         break;
00749                 case 'en' :
00750                 case 'English' :
00751                         $subject =mb_encode_mimeheader($subject, mb_internal_encoding(), 'Q');
00752                         $message = _sub_encode_base64($message, mb_internal_encoding(), 76 , "\r\n");
00753                         $additional_headers .= 
00754                         "\r\nMime-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=".
00755                         mb_preferred_mime_name(mb_internal_encoding()).
00756                         "\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64";
00757                         mail($to, $subject, $message, $additional_headers, $additional_parameter); 
00758                         break;
00759                 case 'uni' :
00760                         $subject =mb_encode_mimeheader($subject, mb_internal_encoding(), 'B');
00761                         $message = _sub_encode_base64($message, mb_internal_encoding(), 76 , "\r\n");
00762                         $additional_headers .= 
00763                         "\r\nMime-Version: 1.0\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=".
00764                         mb_preferred_mime_name(mb_internal_encoding()).
00765                         "\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64";
00766                         mail($to, $subject, $message, $additional_headers, $additional_parameter); 
00767                         break;
00768         }
00770 }
00774 function _check_encoding($str, $encoding_number)
00775 {
00776         global $mbemu_internals;
00777         return (preg_match('/^('.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$encoding_number].')+$/', $str) == 1);
00778 }
00780 function mb_detect_encoding( $str , $encoding_list = '')
00781 {
00782         global $mbemu_internals;
00784         if ($encoding_list == '') 
00785                         $encoding_list = mb_detect_order();
00786         if (!is_array($encoding_list)) {
00787                 $encoding_list = strtoupper($encoding_list);
00788                 if ($encoding_list == 'AUTO') {
00789                         $encoding_list = mb_detect_order();
00790                 } else {
00791                         $encoding_list = split(', *', $encoding_list);
00792                 }
00793         }
00794         foreach($encoding_list as $encode) {
00795                 if (_check_encoding($str, $mbemu_internals['encoding'][$encode]))
00796                         return $encode;
00797         }
00798         return $encode;
00799 }
00801 function mb_strlen ( $str , $encoding='')
00802 {
00803         global $mbemu_internals;
00805         $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($str, $encoding);
00807         switch ($e = $mbemu_internals['encoding'][$encoding]) {
00808                 case 1 : //euc-jp
00809                 case 2 : //shift-jis
00810                 case 4 : //utf-8
00811                         return preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$e].'/', $str, $arr);
00812                 case 5 : //utf-16
00813                         return strlen($str) >> 1;
00814                 case 0 : //ascii
00815                 case 6 : //iso8859-1
00816                         return strlen($str);
00817                 case 3 : //jis
00818                         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'SJIS', 'JIS');
00819                         return preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $str, $arr);
00820         }
00821 }
00823 function mb_strwidth( $str, $encoding='')
00824 {
00825         global $mbemu_internals;
00827         $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($str, $encoding);
00828         switch ($e = $mbemu_internals['encoding'][$encoding]) {
00829                 case 4 : //utf-8
00830                         $max = $len = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][4].'/', $str, $arr);
00831                         for ($i=0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00832                                 $ucs2 = _utf8ucs2($arr[0][$i]);
00833                                 if (((0x2000 <= $ucs2) && ($ucs2 <= 0xff60)) || (0xffa0 <= $ucs2))
00834                                         ++$len;
00835                         }
00836                         return $len;
00837                 case 1 : //euc-jp
00838                 case 2 : //shift-jis
00839                         $max = $len = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$e].'/', $str, $arr);
00840                         for ($i=0; $i < $max; ++$i)
00841                                 if ($arr[1][$i]) ++$len;
00842                         return $len;
00843                 case 5 : //utf-16
00844                         $max = $len = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][5].'/', $str, $arr);
00845                         for ($i=0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00846                                 $ucs2 = (ord($arr[0][$i]) << 8) | ord(substr($arr[0][$i],1,1));
00847                                 if (((0x2000 <= $ucs2) && ($ucs2 <= 0xff60)) || (0xffa0 <= $ucs2))
00848                                         ++$len;
00849                         }
00850                         return $len;
00851                 case 0 : //ascii
00852                 case 6 : //iso8859-1
00853                         return strlen($str);
00854                 case 3 : //jis
00855                         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'SJIS', 'JIS');
00856                         $max = $len = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $str, $arr);
00857                         for ($i=0; $i < $max; ++$i)
00858                                 if ($arr[1][$i]) ++$len;
00859                         return $len;
00860         }
00861 }
00863 function mb_strimwidth( $str, $start, $width, $trimmarker , $encoding = '')
00864 {
00865         global $mbemu_internals;
00867         $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($str, $encoding);
00868         $str = mb_substr($str, $start, 'notnumber', $encoding);
00869         if (($len = mb_strwidth($str,$encoding)) <= $width)
00870                 return $str;
00871         $trimwidth = mb_strwidth($trimmarker,$encoding);
00872         $width -= $trimwidth;
00873         if ($width <= 0) return $trimmarker;
00875         switch ($e = $mbemu_internals['encoding'][$encoding]) {
00876                 case 0 : //ascii
00877                 case 6 : //iso8859-1
00878                         return substr($str, 0, $width).$trimmarker;
00879                 case 4 : //utf-8
00880                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][4].'/', $str, $arr);
00881                         $i = 0;
00882                         while(TRUE) {
00883                                 $ucs2 = _utf8ucs2($arr[0][$i]);
00884                                 if (((0x2000 <= $ucs2) && ($ucs2 <= 0xff60)) || (0xffa0 <= $ucs2))
00885                                         $width -= 2;
00886                                 else
00887                                         --$width;
00888                                 if ($width<0) break;
00889                                 ++$i;
00890                         }
00891                         $arr[0] = array_slice($arr[0], 0, $i);
00892                         return implode("", $arr[0]).$trimmarker;
00893                 case 5 : //utf-16
00894                         $arr = unpack("n*", $str);
00895                         $i = 0;
00896                         foreach($arr as $ucs2) {
00897                                 if (((0x2000 <= $ucs2) && ($ucs2 <= 0xff60)) || (0xffa0 <= $ucs2))
00898                                         $width -= 2;
00899                                 else
00900                                         --$width;
00901                                 if ($width<0) break;
00902                                 ++$i;
00903                         }
00904                         $arr[0] = array_slice($arr[0], 0, $i);
00905                         return implode("", $arr[0]).$trimmarker;
00906                 case 1 : //euc-jp
00907                 case 2 : //shift-jis
00908                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$e].'/', $str, $arr);
00909                         $i = 0;
00910                         while(TRUE) {
00911                                 if ($arr[1][$i])
00912                                         $width -= 2;
00913                                 else
00914                                         --$width;
00915                                 if ($width<0) break;
00916                                 ++$i;
00917                         }
00918                         $arr[0] = array_slice($arr[0], 0, $i);
00919                         return implode("", $arr[0]).$trimmarker;
00920                 case 3 : //jis
00921                         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'SJIS', 'JIS');
00922                         $trimmarker = mb_convert_encoding($trimmarker, 'SJIS', 'JIS');
00923                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $str, $arr);
00924                         $i = 0;
00925                         while(TRUE) {
00926                                 if ($arr[1][$i])
00927                                         $width -= 2;
00928                                 else
00929                                         --$width;
00930                                 if ($width<0) break;
00931                                 ++$i;
00932                         }
00933                         $arr[0] = array_slice($arr[0], 0, $i);
00934                         return mb_convert_encoding(implode("", $arr[0]).$trimmarker,'JIS','SJIS');
00935         }
00936 }
00939 function mb_substr ( $str, $start , $length='notnumber' , $encoding='')
00940 {
00941         global $mbemu_internals;
00943         $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($str, $encoding);
00945         switch ($e = $mbemu_internals['encoding'][$encoding]) {
00946                 case 0 : //ascii
00947                 case 1 : //euc-jp
00948                 case 2 : //shift-jis
00949                 case 4 : //utf-8
00950                 case 5 : //utf-16
00951                 case 6 : //iso-8859-1
00952                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$e].'/', $str, $arr);
00953                         break;
00954                 case 3 : //jis
00955                         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'SJIS', 'JIS');
00956                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $str, $arr);
00957         }
00958         if (is_int($length))
00959                 $arr[0] = array_slice($arr[0], $start, $length);
00960         else
00961                 $arr[0] = array_slice($arr[0], $start);
00962         $str = implode("", $arr[0]);
00963         if ($mbemu_internals['encoding'][$encoding] == 3)
00964                 $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'JIS', 'SJIS');
00965         return $str;
00966 }
00968 function _sub_strcut($arr, $start, $length) {
00969         $max = count($arr[0]);
00970         $s = ''; $counter = 0;
00971         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
00972                 $counter += strlen($arr[0][$i]);
00973                 if ($counter > $start) {
00974                         if ($length == 0) {
00975                                 for ($j = $i; $j < $max; ++$j)
00976                                         $s .= $arr[0][$j];
00977                                 return $s;
00978                         }
00979                         for ($j = $i, $len = 0; $j < $max; ++$j) {
00980                                 $len += strlen($arr[0][$j]);
00981                                 if ($len <= $length)
00982                                         $s .= $arr[0][$j];
00983                         }
00984                         return $s;
00985                 }
00986         }
00987         return $s;
00988 }
00991 function mb_strcut ( $str, $start , $length=0 , $encoding = '')
00992 {
00993         global $mbemu_internals;
00995         $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($str, $encoding);
00997         switch ($e = $mbemu_internals['encoding'][$encoding]) {
00998                 case 0 : //ascii
00999                 case 1 : //euc-jp
01000                 case 2 : //shift-jis
01001                 case 4 : //utf-8
01002                 case 5 : //utf-16
01003                 case 6 : //iso-8859-1
01004                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$e].'/', $str, $arr);
01005                         return _sub_strcut($arr, $start, $length);
01006                 case 3 : //jis
01007                         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'SJIS', 'JIS');
01008                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $str, $arr);
01009                         $sub = _sub_strcut($arr, $start, $length);
01010                         return mb_convert_encoding($sub, 'JIS', 'SJIS');
01011         }
01012 }
01014 function _sub_strrpos($ar_haystack, $ar_needle)
01015 {
01016         $max_h = count($ar_haystack) - 1;
01017         $max_n = count($ar_needle) - 1;
01018         for ($i = $max_h; $i >= $max_n; --$i) {
01019                 if ($ar_haystack[$i] == $ar_needle[$max_n]) {
01020                         $match = TRUE;
01021                         for ($j = 1; $j <= $max_n; ++$j)
01022                                 if ($ar_haystack[$i-$j] != $ar_needle[$max_n-$j]) {
01023                                         $match = FALSE;
01024                                         break;
01025                                 }
01026                         if ($match) return $i - $max_n;
01027                 }
01028         }
01029         return FALSE;
01030 }
01032 function mb_strrpos ( $haystack, $needle , $encoding = '')
01033 {
01035         global $mbemu_internals;
01037         $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($haystack, $encoding);
01039         switch ($e = $mbemu_internals['encoding'][$encoding]) {
01040                 case 0 : //ascii
01041                 case 1 : //euc-jp
01042                 case 2 : //shift-jis
01043                 case 4 : //utf-8
01044                 case 5 : //utf-16
01045                 case 6 : //iso-8859-1
01046                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$e].'/', $haystack, $ar_h);
01047                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$e].'/', $needle, $ar_n);
01048                         return _sub_strrpos($ar_h[0], $ar_n[0]);
01049                 case 3 : //jis
01050                         $haystack = mb_convert_encoding($haystack, 'SJIS', 'JIS');
01051                         $needle = mb_convert_encoding($needle, 'SJIS', 'JIS');
01052                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $haystack, $ar_h);
01053                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $needle, $ar_n);
01054                         return _sub_strrpos($ar_h[0], $ar_n[0]);
01055         }
01056 }
01058 function _sub_strpos($ar_haystack, $ar_needle, $offset)
01059 {
01060         $max_n = count($ar_needle) - 1;
01061         $max_h = count($ar_haystack) - count($ar_needle);
01062         for ($i = $offset; $i <= $max_h; ++$i) {
01063                 for ($j = 0; $j <= $max_n; ++$j) {
01064                         $match = TRUE;
01065                         if ($ar_haystack[$i+$j] != $ar_needle[$j]) {
01066                                 $match = FALSE;
01067                                 break;
01068                         }
01069                 }
01070                 if ($match) return $i;
01071         }
01072         return FALSE;
01073 }
01075 function mb_strpos ( $haystack, $needle , $offset = 0, $encoding = '')
01076 {
01078         global $mbemu_internals;
01080         $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($haystack, $encoding);
01082         switch ($e = $mbemu_internals['encoding'][$encoding]) {
01083                 case 0 : //ascii
01084                 case 1 : //euc-jp
01085                 case 2 : //shift-jis
01086                 case 4 : //utf-8
01087                 case 5 : //utf-16
01088                 case 6 : //iso-8859-1
01089                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$e].'/', $haystack, $ar_h);
01090                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$e].'/', $needle, $ar_n);
01091                         return _sub_strpos($ar_h[0], $ar_n[0], $offset);
01092                 case 3 : //jis
01093                         $haystack = mb_convert_encoding($haystack, 'SJIS', 'JIS');
01094                         $needle = mb_convert_encoding($needle, 'SJIS', 'JIS');
01095                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $haystack, $ar_h);
01096                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $needle, $ar_n);
01097                         return _sub_strpos($ar_h[0], $ar_n[0], $offset);
01098         }
01099 }
01101 function _sub_substr_count($ar_haystack, $ar_needle)
01102 {
01103         $matches = 0;
01104         $max_n = count($ar_needle) - 1;
01105         $max_h = count($ar_haystack) - count($ar_needle);
01106         for ($i = 0; $i <= $max_h; ++$i) {
01107                 for ($j = 0; $j <= $max_n; ++$j) {
01108                         $match = TRUE;
01109                         if ($ar_haystack[$i+$j] != $ar_needle[$j]) {
01110                                 $match = FALSE;
01111                                 break;
01112                         }
01113                 }
01114                 if ($match) ++$matches;
01115         }
01116         return $matches;
01117 }
01119 function mb_substr_count($haystack, $needle , $encoding = '')
01120 {
01122         global $mbemu_internals;
01124         $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($haystack, $encoding);
01126         switch ($e = $mbemu_internals['encoding'][$encoding]) {
01127                 case 0 : //ascii
01128                 case 1 : //euc-jp
01129                 case 2 : //shift-jis
01130                 case 4 : //utf-8
01131                 case 5 : //utf-16
01132                 case 6 : //iso-8859-1
01133                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$e].'/', $haystack, $ar_h);
01134                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$e].'/', $needle, $ar_n);
01135                         return _sub_substr_count($ar_h[0], $ar_n[0]);
01136                 case 3 : //jis
01137                         $haystack = mb_convert_encoding($haystack, 'SJIS', 'JIS');
01138                         $needle = mb_convert_encoding($needle, 'SJIS', 'JIS');
01139                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $haystack, $ar_h);
01140                         preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][2].'/', $needle, $ar_n);
01141                         return _sub_substr_count($ar_h[0], $ar_n[0]);
01142         }
01143 }
01146 /******************
01147 mb_convert_variables
01148 *******************/
01149 if (!$mbemu_internals['ini_file']['convert_variables_arrayonly']) {
01150         function mb_convert_variables($to_encoding, $from_encoding, $s1, $s2='',$s3='',$s4='',$s5='',$s6='',$s7='', $s8='',$s9='', $s10='')
01151         {
01152                 if (is_array($s1)) {
01153                         $st = '';
01154                         foreach($s1 as $s) $st .= $s;
01155                         if (!($encode = mb_detect_encoding($st, $from_encoding)))
01156                                 return FALSE;
01157                         reset($s1);
01158                         while (list ($key, $val) = each ($s1)) {
01159                                 $s1[$key] = mb_convert_encoding($val, $to_encoding, $encode);
01160                         }
01161                         return $encode;
01162                 }
01163             $st = $s1.$s2.$s3.$s4.$s5.$s6.$s7.$s8.$s9.$s10;
01164             if (!($encode = mb_detect_encoding($st, $from_encoding)))
01165                 return FALSE;
01166             $s1 = mb_convert_encoding($s1, $to_encoding, $encode);
01167             $s2 = mb_convert_encoding($s2, $to_encoding, $encode);
01168             $s3 = mb_convert_encoding($s3, $to_encoding, $encode);
01169             $s4 = mb_convert_encoding($s4, $to_encoding, $encode);
01170             $s5 = mb_convert_encoding($s5, $to_encoding, $encode);
01171             $s6 = mb_convert_encoding($s6, $to_encoding, $encode);
01172             $s7 = mb_convert_encoding($s7, $to_encoding, $encode);
01173             $s8 = mb_convert_encoding($s8, $to_encoding, $encode);
01174             $s9 = mb_convert_encoding($s9, $to_encoding, $encode);
01175             $s10 = mb_convert_encoding($s10, $to_encoding, $encode);
01176             return $encode;
01177         }
01178 } else {
01179         function mb_convert_variables($to_encoding, $from_encoding, &$arr)
01180         {
01181                 $st = '';
01182                 foreach($arr as $s) $st .= $s;
01183                 if (!($encode = mb_detect_encoding($st, $from_encoding)))
01184                         return FALSE;
01185                 reset($arr);
01186                 while (list ($key, $val) = each ($arr)) {
01187                         $arr[$key] = mb_convert_encoding($val, $to_encoding, $encode);
01188                 }
01189                 return $encode;
01190         }
01191 }
01193 function mb_preferred_mime_name ($encoding)
01194 {
01195         global $mbemu_internals;
01197         $encoding = strtoupper($encoding);
01199         switch ($mbemu_internals['encoding'][$encoding]) {
01200                 case 0 : //ascii
01201                         return 'US-ASCII';
01202                 case 1 : //euc-jp
01203                         return 'EUC-JP';
01204                 case 2 : //shift-jis
01205                         return 'Shift_JIS';
01206                 case 3 : //jis
01207                         return 'ISO-2022-JP';
01208                 case 4 : //utf-8
01209                         return 'UTF-8';
01210                 case 5 : 
01211                         return 'UTF-16';
01212                 case 6 :
01213                         return 'ISO-8859-1';
01214         }
01215 }
01217 function mb_decode_mimeheader($str)
01218 {
01219         $lines = preg_split("/(\r\n|\r|\n)( *)/", $str);
01220         $s = '';
01221         foreach ($lines as $line) {
01222                 if ($line != "") {
01223                         $line = preg_replace("/<[\w\-+\.]+\@[\w\-+\.]+>/","", $line); //メール・アドレス部を消す
01224                         $matches = preg_split("/=\?([^?]+)\?(B|Q)\?([^?]+)\?=/", $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
01225                         for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches)-1; $i+=4) {
01226                                 if (!preg_match("/^[ \t\r\n]*$/", $matches[$i]))
01227                                         $s .= $matches[$i];
01228                                 if ($matches[$i+2] == 'B')
01229                                         $s .= mb_convert_encoding(base64_decode($matches[$i+3]), 
01230                                                                                         mb_internal_encoding(), $matches[$i+1]);
01231                                 else
01232                                         $s .= mb_convert_encoding(quoted_printable_decode($matches[$i+3]), 
01233                                                                                         mb_internal_encoding(), $matches[$i+1]);
01234                         }
01235                         if (!preg_match("/^[ \t\r\n]*$/", $matches[$i]))
01236                                         $s .= $matches[$i];
01237                 }
01238         }
01239         return $s;
01240 }
01242 function _sub_qponechar($str, &$len)
01243 {
01244         $all = unpack("C*", $str);
01245         $s = ''; $len = 0;
01246         foreach($all as $char) {
01247                 if (((ord('A') <= $char) && ($char <= ord('Z'))) ||
01248                         ((ord('a') <= $char) && ($char <= ord('z')))) {
01249                         $s .= chr($char);
01250                         ++$len;
01251                 } else {
01252                         $s .= '='.sprintf("%2X",$char);
01253                         $len += 3;
01254                 }
01255         }
01256         return $s;
01257 }
01259 function _sub_quoted_printable_encode($str, $encoding, $maxline, $linefeed)
01260 {
01261         global $mbemu_internals;
01262         switch ($e = $mbemu_internals['encoding'][$encoding]) {
01263                 case 0 : //ascii
01264                 case 1 : //euc-jp
01265                 case 2 : //shift-jis
01266                 case 4 : //utf-8
01267                         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$e].'/', $str, $allchars);
01268                         break;
01269                 case 3 : //jis
01270                         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][3].'/', $str, $allchunks, PREG_SET_ORDER);  // 文字種ごとの配列に分解
01271                         $st = ''; // quoted printable変換後の文字列
01272                         $len = $maxline;  // その行に追加可能なバイト数
01273                         $needterminate = FALSE; //最後にエスケープシーケンスが必要かどうか
01274                         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
01275                                 if (ord($allchunks[$i][1])) { //英数にマッチ
01276                                         if ($needterminate) {
01277                                                 $st .= '=1B=28B';
01278                                                 $len -= 7;
01279                                         }
01280                                         $tmparr = unpack("C*", $allchunks[$i][1]);
01281                                         foreach ($tmparr as $char) {
01282                                                 $tmp = _sub_qponechar(chr($char), $l);
01283                                                 if ($len < $l) {
01284                                                         $st .= $linefeed;
01285                                                         $len = $maxline;
01286                                                 }
01287                                                 $st .= $tmp;
01288                                                 $len -= $l;
01289                                         } 
01290                                         $needterminate = FALSE;
01291                                 } elseif (ord($allchunks[$i][2])) { //漢字にマッチ
01292                                         $maxchars = preg_match_all("/../",substr($allchunks[$i][0], 3),$allchars);
01293                                         $tmp = _sub_qponechar($allchars[0][0], $l);
01294                                         if ($len < 14 + $l) {
01295                                                 if ($needterminate)
01296                                                         $st .= '=1B=28B';
01297                                                 $st .= $linefeed;
01298                                                 $len = $maxline;
01299                                         }
01300                                         $st .= '=1B=24B';
01301                                         $len -= 7;
01302                                         for ($j = 0; $j < $maxchars; ++$j) {
01303                                                 $tmp = _sub_qponechar($allchars[0][$j], $l);
01304                                                 if ($len < $l + 7) {
01305                                                         $st .= '=1B=28B'.$linefeed.'=1B=24B';
01306                                                         $len = $maxline-7;
01307                                                 }
01308                                                 $st .= $tmp;
01309                                                 $len -= $l;
01310                                         }
01311                                         $needterminate = TRUE;
01313                                 } elseif (ord($allchunks[$i][3])) { //半角カナにマッチ
01314                                         $max = preg_match_all("/./",$allchunks[$i][3],$allchars);
01315                                         $tmp = _sub_qponechar($allchars[0][0], $l);
01316                                         if ($len < 14 + $l) {
01317                                                 if ($needterminate)
01318                                                         $st .= '=1B=28B';
01319                                                 $st .= $linefeed;
01320                                                 $len = $maxline;
01321                                         }
01322                                         $st .= '=1B=28I';
01323                                         $len -= 7;
01324                                         for ($j == 0; $j < $max; ++$j) {
01325                                                 $tmp = _sub_qponechar($allchars[0][$j], $l);
01326                                                 if ($len < $l + 7) {
01327                                                         $st .= '=1B=28B'.$linefeed.'=1B=28I';
01328                                                         $len = $maxline-7;
01329                                                 }
01330                                                 $st .= $tmp;
01331                                                 $len -= $l;
01332                                         }
01333                                         $needterminate = TRUE;
01334                                 }
01335                         }
01336                         if ($needterminate) $st .= '=1B=28B';
01337                         $st .= $linefeed;
01338                         return $st;
01339         }
01340         $st = ''; // quoted printable変換後の文字列
01341         $len = $maxline;  // その行に追加可能なバイト数
01342         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
01343                 $tmp = _sub_qponechar($allchars[0][$i], $l);
01344                 if ($l > $len) {
01345                         $st .= $linefeed;
01346                         $len = $maxline;
01347                 }
01348                 $st .= $tmp;
01349                 $len -= $l;
01350         }
01351         $st .= $linefeed;
01352         return $st;
01353 }
01355 function _sub_encode_base64($str, $encoding, $maxline , $linefeed)
01356 {
01357         global $mbemu_internals;
01358         switch ($e = $mbemu_internals['encoding'][$encoding]) {
01359                 case 0 : //ascii
01360                 case 6 : //iso-8859-1
01361                         return chunk_split( base64_encode($str) , $maxline, $linefeed);
01362                 case 1 : //euc-jp
01363                 case 2 : //shift-jis
01364                 case 4 : //utf-8
01365                 case 5 : //utf-16
01366                         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][$e].'/', $str, $allchars);
01367                         break;
01368                 case 3 : //jis
01369                         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][3].'/', $str, $allchunks);  // 文字種ごとの配列に分解
01370                         $st = ''; // BASE64変換後の文字列
01371                         $maxbytes = floor($maxline * 3 / 4);  //1行に変換可能なバイト数
01372                         $len = $maxbytes;  // その行に追加可能なバイト数
01373                         $line = '';  //1行分の変換前の文字列
01374                         $needterminate = FALSE; //最後にエスケープシーケンスが必要かどうか
01375                         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
01376                                 if (ord($allchunks[1][$i])) { //英数にマッチ
01377                                         if ($needterminate) {
01378                                                 $line .= chr(0x1B).'(B';
01379                                                 $len -= 3;
01380                                         }
01381                                         $tmpstr = $allchunks[1][$i];  //追加する文字列
01382                                         $l = strlen($tmpstr);  //追加する文字列の長さ
01383                                         while ($l > $len) {
01384                                                 $line .= substr($tmpstr, 0, $len);
01385                                                 $st .= base64_encode($line).$linefeed;
01386                                                 $l -= $len;
01387                                                 $tmpstr = substr($tmpstr, $len);
01388                                                 $len = $maxbytes;
01389                                                 $line = '';
01390                                         } 
01391                                         $line .= $tmpstr;
01392                                         $len -= $l;
01393                                         $needterminate = FALSE;
01394                                 } elseif (ord($allchunks[2][$i])) { //漢字にマッチ
01395                                         $tmpstr = substr($allchunks[0][$i], 3);
01396                                         if ($len < 8) { //文字を追加するのに最低8バイト必要なので
01397                                                 if ($needterminate)
01398                                                         $line .= chr(0x1B).'(B';
01399                                                 $st .= base64_encode($line).$linefeed;
01400                                                 $len = $maxbytes;
01401                                                 $line = '';
01402                                         }
01403                                         $l = strlen($tmpstr);
01404                                         $line .= chr(0x1B).'$B';
01405                                         $len -= 3; 
01406                                         while ($l > $len-3) {
01407                                                 $add = floor(($len-3) / 2) * 2;
01408                                                 if ($add == 0) break;
01409                                                 $line .= substr($tmpstr, 0, $add).chr(0x1B).'(B';
01410                                                 $st .= base64_encode($line).$linefeed;
01411                                                 $l -= $add;
01412                                                 $tmpstr = substr($tmpstr, $add);
01413                                                 $len = $maxbytes-3;
01414                                                 $line = chr(0x1B).'$B';
01415                                         } 
01416                                         $line .= $tmpstr;
01417                                         $len -= $l;
01418                                         $needterminate = TRUE;
01420                                 } elseif (ord($allchunks[3][$i])) { //半角カナにマッチ
01421                                         $tmpstr = $allchunks[3][$i];
01422                                         if ($len < 7) { //文字を追加するのに最低7バイト必要なので
01423                                                 if ($needterminate)
01424                                                         $line .= chr(0x1B).'(B';
01425                                                 $st .= base64_encode($line).$linefeed;
01426                                                 $len = $maxbytes;
01427                                                 $line = '';
01428                                         }
01429                                         $l = strlen($tmpstr);
01430                                         $line .= chr(0x1B).'(I';
01431                                         $len -= 3; 
01432                                         while ($l > $len-3) {
01433                                                 $line .= substr($tmpstr, 0, $len-3).chr(0x1B).'(B';
01434                                                 $st .= base64_encode($line).$linefeed;
01435                                                 $l -= $len;
01436                                                 $tmpstr = substr($tmpstr, $len-3);
01437                                                 $len = $maxbytes-3;
01438                                                 $line = chr(0x1B).'(I';
01439                                         } 
01440                                         $line .= $tmpstr;
01441                                         $len -= $l;
01442                                         $needterminate = TRUE;
01443                                 }
01444                         }
01445                         if ($needterminate) $line .= chr(0x1B).'(B';
01446                         $st .= base64_encode($line).$linefeed;
01447                         return $st;
01448         }
01449         $st = ''; // BASE64変換後の文字列
01450         $maxbytes = floor($maxline * 3 / 4);  //1行に変換可能なバイト数
01451         $len = $maxbytes;  // その行に追加可能なバイト数
01452         $line = '';  //1行分の変換前の文字列
01453         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
01454                 $l = strlen($allchars[0][$i]);
01455                 if ($l > $len) {
01456                         $st .= base64_encode($line).$linefeed;
01457                         $len = $maxbytes;
01458                         $line = '';
01459                 }
01460                 $line .= $allchars[0][$i];
01461                 $len -= $l;
01462         }
01463         $st .= base64_encode($line).$linefeed;
01464         return $st;
01465 }
01467 function mb_encode_mimeheader( $str, $encoding = "ISO-2022-JP", $transfer_encoding = "B", $linefeed = "\r\n")
01468 {
01469         global $mbemu_internals;
01470         if ($transfer_encoding == "b") $transfer_encoding = "B";
01471         if ($transfer_encoding <> "B") $transfer_encoding = "Q";
01472         $encoding = strtoupper($encoding);
01474         $head = '=?' . mb_preferred_mime_name ($encoding) . '?'.$transfer_encoding.'?';
01475         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, $encoding, mb_internal_encoding());
01476         $length = 76 - strlen($head) - 4;
01477         if ($transfer_encoding == "B") {
01478         $str = _sub_encode_base64( $str , $encoding, $length, $linefeed);
01479         } else {
01480                 $str = _sub_quoted_printable_encode($str, $encoding, $length, $linefeed);
01481         }
01482         $ar = explode($linefeed, $str);
01483         $s = '';
01484         foreach ($ar as $element) {
01485                 if ($element <> '')
01486                         $s .= $head . $element . '?=' .$linefeed;
01487         }
01488         return $s;
01489 }
01491 function mb_http_input($type = '')
01492 {
01493         return FALSE;
01494 }
01496 function mb_http_output($encoding = '')
01497 {
01498         global $mbemu_internals;
01500         if ($encoding == '') return $mbemu_internals['ini_file']['http_output'];
01501         if (strtolower($encoding) == 'pass') {
01502                 $mbemu_internals['ini_file']['http_output'] = 'pass';
01503                 return TRUE;
01504         }
01505         $mbemu_internals['ini_file']['http_output'] = mb_preferred_mime_name($encoding);
01506         return TRUE;
01507 }
01510 function mb_output_handler ( $buffer, $status='')
01511 {
01512         global $mbemu_internals;
01513         if ($mbemu_internals['ini_file']['http_output'] == 'pass')
01514                 return $buffer;
01515         return mb_convert_encoding($buffer, $mbemu_internals['ini_file']['http_output'], mb_internal_encoding());
01516 }
01519 function mb_encode_numericentity($str, $convmap, $encoding="")
01520 {
01521         if (!$encoding) $encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
01522         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, "utf-16", $encoding);
01523         $ar = unpack("n*", $str);
01524         $s = "";
01525         foreach($ar as $char) {
01526                 $max = count($convmap);
01527                 for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i += 4) {
01528                         if (($convmap[$i] <= $char) && ($char <= $convmap[$i+1])) {
01529                                 $char += $convmap[$i+2];
01530                                 $char &= $convmap[$i+3];
01531                                 $s .= sprintf("&#%u;", $char);
01532                                 break;
01533                         }
01534                 }
01535                 if ($i >= $max) $s .= pack("n*", $char);
01536         }
01537         return $s;
01538 }
01540 function mb_decode_numericentity ($str, $convmap, $encoding="")
01541 {
01542         if (!$encoding) $encoding = mb_internal_encoding();
01543         $ar = preg_split('/(&#[0-9]+;)/', $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
01544         $s = '';
01545         $max = count($convmap);
01546         foreach($ar as $chunk) {
01547                 if (preg_match('/&#([0-9]+);/', $chunk, $match)) {
01548                         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i += 4) {
01549                                 $num = $match[1] - $convmap[$i+2];
01550                                 if (($convmap[$i] <= $num) && ($num <= $convmap[$i+1])) {
01551                                         $ucs2 = pack('n*', $num);
01552                                         $s .= mb_convert_encoding($ucs2, $encoding, 'UTF-16');
01553                                         break;
01554                                 }
01555                         }
01556                         if ($i >= $max) $s .= $chunk;
01557                 } else {
01558                         $s .= $chunk;
01559                 }
01560         }
01561         return $s;
01562 }
01564 function mb_strtoupper($str, $encoding='')
01565 {
01566         global $mbemu_internals;
01568         include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/upper.table');
01569         $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($str, $encoding);
01570         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', $encoding);
01572         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][4].'/', $str, $allchars);  // make array of chars
01573         $newst = '';
01574         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
01575                 $val = _utf8ucs2($allchars[0][$i]); //get ucs2 value
01576                 if ((0x61 <= $val) && ($val <= 0x7a)) {
01577                         $val -= 0x20;
01578                         $newst .= _ucs2utf8($val);
01579                 } elseif ($upper = $mbemu_internals['upperarray'][$val]) {
01580                         $newst .= _ucs2utf8($upper);
01581                 } else {
01582                         $newst .= $allchars[0][$i];
01583                 }
01584         }
01585         return mb_convert_encoding($newst, $encoding, 'UTF-8');
01586 }
01588 function mb_strtolower($str, $encoding='')
01589 {
01590         global $mbemu_internals;
01592         include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/lower.table');
01593         $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($str, $encoding);
01594         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', $encoding);
01596         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][4].'/', $str, $allchars);  // make array of chars
01597         $newst = '';
01598         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
01599                 $val = _utf8ucs2($allchars[0][$i]); //get ucs2 value
01600                 if ((0x41 <= $val) && ($val <= 0x5a)) {
01601                         $val += 0x20;
01602                         $newst .= _ucs2utf8($val);
01603                 } elseif ($lower = $mbemu_internals['lowerarray'][$val]) {
01604                         $newst .= _ucs2utf8($lower);
01605                 } else {
01606                         $newst .= $allchars[0][$i];
01607                 }
01608         }
01609         return mb_convert_encoding($newst, $encoding, 'UTF-8');
01610 }
01612 function mb_convert_case($str, $case, $encoding='')
01613 {
01614         global $mbemu_internals;
01616         switch($case) {
01617                 case MB_CASE_UPPER :
01618                         return mb_strtoupper($str, $encoding);
01619                 case MB_CASE_LOWER :
01620                         return mb_strtolower($str, $encoding);
01621                 case MB_CASE_TITLE :
01622                         include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/upper.table');
01623                         include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/lower.table');
01624                         $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($str, $encoding);
01625                         $str = mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', $encoding);
01627                         $max = preg_match_all('/'.$mbemu_internals['regex'][4].'/', $str, $allchars);  // make array of chars
01628                         $newst = '';
01629                         $isalpha = FALSE;
01630                         for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
01631                                 $val = _utf8ucs2($allchars[0][$i]); //get ucs2 value
01632                                 if ((0x41 <= $val) && ($val <= 0x5a)) {
01633                                         if ($isalpha) {
01634                                                 $val += 0x20; // to lower;
01635                                         } else {
01636                                                 $isalpha = TRUE;
01637                                         }
01638                                         $newst .= _ucs2utf8($val);
01639                                 } elseif ((0x61 <= $val) && ($val <= 0x7a)){
01640                                         if (!$isalpha) {
01641                                                 $val -= 0x20; // to upper
01642                                                 $isalpha = TRUE;
01643                                         }
01644                                         $newst .= _ucs2utf8($val);
01645                                 } elseif ($upper = $mbemu_internals['upperarray'][$val]) { // this char is lower
01646                                         if ($isalpha) {
01647                                                 $newst .= _ucs2utf8($val);
01648                                         } else {
01649                                                 $isalpha = TRUE;
01650                                                 $newst .= _ucs2utf8($upper);
01651                                         }
01652                                 } elseif ($lower = $mbemu_internals['lowerarray'][$val]) { // this char is upper
01653                                         if ($isalpha) {
01654                                                 $newst .= _ucs2utf8($lower);
01655                                         } else {
01656                                                 $isalpha = TRUE;
01657                                                 $newst .= _ucs2utf8($val);
01658                                         }
01659                                 } else {
01660                                         $isalpha = FALSE;
01661                                         $newst .= $allchars[0][$i];
01662                                 }
01663                         }
01664                         return mb_convert_encoding($newst, $encoding, 'UTF-8');
01665         }
01666 }
01669 function _print_str($str) {
01670         $all = unpack("C*", $str);
01671         $s = '';
01672         foreach($all as $char) {
01673                 $s .= sprintf(" %2X",$char);
01674         }
01675         print $s."\n";
01676 }
01678 ?>

Generated on Wed Jun 25 17:25:58 2008 by  doxygen 1.5.5