00001 <?php 00002 /* 00003 About 00004 ----- 00005 00006 This directory contains extra files to make the 'fancy urls' feature even more 00007 fancier, by eliminating the 'index.php'-part of the URL 00008 00009 Installation 00010 ------------ 00011 00012 1. Copy all files in this directory (except for index.html) to your main nucleus dir 00013 (where your index.php and action.php file are) 00014 00015 If you have an already existing .htaccess file (most ftp-programs don't show hidden files 00016 by default, so don't start uploading it without checking your server). If you do, download 00017 that old one first, and copy the contents of the new .htaccess file (from the fancyurls 00018 folder) in your old one, and upload that... 00019 00020 2. Edit fancyurls.config.php so that $CONF['Self'] points to your main directory. 00021 NOTE: this time, and only this time, the URL should NOT end in a slash 00022 00023 3. Edit index.php to look like this: 00024 00025 $CONF = array(); 00026 00027 include('./fancyurls.config.php'); 00028 include('./config.php'); 00029 00030 selector(); 00031 00032 4. Enable 'Fancy URLs' in the Nucleus admin area (nucleus management / edit settings) 00033 00034 5. Off you go! 00035 00036 If it doesn't work: 00037 ------------------- 00038 00039 Remove the files again (don't forget the hidden file .htaccess). Voila. 00040 00041 */ 00042 00043 00044 // remember: this URL should _NOT_ end with a slash. 00045 $CONF['Self'] = 'http://www.yourhost.com/yourpath'; 00046 00047 /* 00048 Advanced: keywords to use in fancy URLs. 00049 00050 If you want to change these, you'll also need to rename the stub files 00051 and update the contents of the .htaccess file accordingly 00052 */ 00053 $CONF['ItemKey'] = 'item'; 00054 $CONF['ArchiveKey'] = 'archive'; 00055 $CONF['ArchivesKey'] = 'archives'; 00056 $CONF['MemberKey'] = 'member'; 00057 $CONF['BlogKey'] = 'blog'; 00058 $CONF['CategoryKey'] = 'category'; 00059 $CONF['SpecialskinKey'] = 'special'; 00060 ?>